What we heard!

From September to November 2022 we asked the community to share their experience of health and wellbeing in Shellharbour.

About the focus areas

Focus AreaAbout

Eat Well
is all about the kind of food you have access to and regularly eat. We know that a healthy and balanced diet of fresh food and drinking lots of water is great for your wellbeing! But what can Shellharbour City Council do to make sure everyone in our city has the opportunity to eat well?

There are some things we are already doing like supporting the use of our land for community gardens and creating a community garden strategy to make this an easier thing for everyone to have access to. Or cooking classes in our civic centre to teach people how to make their own food at home!
Tell us in the survey about how well you eat!

Move Well is our focus area that explores how movement, exercise and activities can help improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in the Shellharbour area. We facilitate a range of places, spaces and activities that can help keep you moving, like:

And much more! Tell us in the survey about how you move well!

Think Well
is the area that focuses on what is going on inside your head, your sense of peace, mental wellbeing and lifelong learning! We know there are many ways to think well and this often overlaps with other focus areas. Being active, spending time with loved ones and eating well can all help keep our minds healthy.

In Shellharbour, we have many programs at our libraries like Brain training and yoga that help create a community that thinks well. We also know that there are many other ways to think well, like:
  • Meditating
  • Talking to professionals
  • Going to group activities

Learn more about getting out in the community and participating in things by looking at the local "what's on" pages for places such as the library, civic centre and waterfront. Tell us how you think well by taking the survey!

When we talk about Connect Well in Shellharbour we mean all the ways you connect with other people in your local community and beyond. Whether it's lifelong friends, family, neighbours, community groups, online friends, colleagues, or people passed in the street there are opportunities for connection everywhere!

Many of the groups, places and spaces we have already listed encourage the community to connect well, or head to the "Places, Spaces and Services" page to find out more of what's on in Shellharbour.

Don't forget to tell us how you connect well in the survey above!

What's happening