About the Plan

Council and the NSW State Government both recognise that Bass Point Reserve is a unique location which requires a strong commitment to conservation management and protection. To ensure this is protected for future generations we have engaged an independent expert Virtus Heritage to develop a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) for Bass Point Reserve.

A CMP identifies:

  • The heritage values or significance of a place
  • The conservation policies to be applied to protect that significance
  • A strategy by which the policies will be put into action.

Virtus Heritage worked with community members and key stakeholders to develop this plan, to make sure we protect the local significance of Bass Point.

Area of Bass Point included in CMP

Bass Point aerial image

The red line outlines the area of Bass Point that will be considered in the CMP.

  • Thanks for your feedback!

    Our Bass Point Reserve CMP was on Public Exhibition from 7 December 2023 - 17 January 2024. We're currently reviewing your feedback and will get back to you with the next steps.


Bass Point Reserve is a 72 hectare coastal area, located just south of Shellharbour Village and contains one of the few littoral rainforest areas in the Illawarra.

The reserve is recognised as one of the most important archaeological sites on the NSW coast and is listed on the NSW State Heritage Register for its Aboriginal, European and natural significance.

Council and the NSW State Government both recognise Bass Point Reserve as a unique location which requires a strong commitment to conservation management and protection.

The first step is to develop a framework to facilitate decision-making about the interpretation and conservation of the site, the Conservation Management Plan (CMP).

Generally, the CMP sits above other documents, like a plan of management, and tourism plans. These plans also guide the use of sites for recreation and tourism to ensure that heritage and conservation values are maintained alongside visitor involvement.

Virtus Heritage will consult with the local community and stakeholders and develop the CMP for Council.


A CMP is a document that provides guidance and a structured framework for managing a special location with heritage significance.

Bass Point Reserve is a place of both local and State significance with a collection of environmental, cultural and heritage aspects. Our local community are keenly aware of the environmental and cultural significance of this location, and the State Government recognises multiple heritage values.

For further information on CMP's, visit NSW Department of Planning.

The overall goal of this CMP is to create a document which centres on protection and management of Bass Point Reserve.

The CMP will seek to:

  • Identify areas within Bass Point Reserve which need conservation and protection
  • Ensure the significance of local sites are protected including environmental, cultural and heritage aspects
  • Provide ongoing protection for unique ecosystems including marine life, native vegetation and animals
  • Ensure visitors to the park can access and understand the significance and the stories

The goal of a CMP is to support and guide conservation of a significant place. The document does not have scope to address Impact Assessment Processes or facilitate development of the area as a development site.

The CMP can make recommendation for new or improved infrastructure that will enhance the importance of place.

Council and the NSW State Government both recognise that Bass Point Reserve is a unique location which requires a strong commitment to conservation management and protection.

Under the Crown Land Management Act 2016, Council is authorised to manage the Reserve as if it were public land under the Local Government Act 1993. As such, a Plan of Management is to be developed and the CMP forms the first steps in its development.

Yes, the CMP will be made public for community access once it is endorsed by Council.

Council has engaged Virtus Heritage, a heritage and conservation consulting company. Virtus Heritage will conduct consultation with the local community and develop the Conservation Management Plan.

This aerial image indicates a red line that encompasses the area that CMP will consider.

How we got here

We have engaged Virtus Heritage, a heritage and conservation consulting company to develop a Conservation Management Plan for Bass Point.

Virtus Heritage have completed background research, a site analysis and investigated areas within Bass Point which need conservation and protection.

We have also established an internal working group to provide expert advice and input into the CMP, and will meet with key stakeholders including but not limited to the Local Aboriginal Land Council, Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Landcare Illawarra, Marine Estate Management, Machine Gun Battalion and recreational groups.

Share your ideas and feedback

Feedback closed 6 May 2020.

There have been a number of significant areas identified, however, if you know of a location please share.

Do you belong to a community group that uses the reserve?
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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.