Project news
The Red Lamp Play space at Reddall Reserve is officially open!
Let's Play 
📽️ by Eddie Hu
About the new play space
We have been working with CRS to incorporate all of the ideas and feedback that has been shared by the community! You had a big wish list and we have been able to tick a lot of these off the list.
The design of the play space has been inspired by the local
story of ‘The Red Lamp’ and will cater to a range of ages and abilities.
When complete, young people living in and around Shellharbour will have a
vibrant, safe, inclusive play space.
Some of the key features will include:
- 8 m high cube multi tower with rope bridge to turret podium
- Accessible path/ramp to tower to first level
- Various slides, twisting tunnel slides and wide slide from tower
- Quad swing set with nest seat, cub seat
- Megga cantilever swing
- Climbing square and triangle nets
- 25m Double flying fox includes inclusive seat
- Spaghetti crinkle
- Whirly Dizzy spinner
- Sensory panels - Musical
- Inclusive carousel
- In ground trampolines
- Nature play and discovery area
- Softfall
- Footpath connectivity
Creating an inclusive playspace
An inclusive playspace invites people of all ages, abilities and cultures to come together.
Inclusive playspaces are easy to access, easy to move around, provide a range of play options and challenges, and have appropriate facilities in a comfortable environment.
Inclusive playspaces encourage everyone to stay as long as they choose. A playspace is more than just equipment. It is the entire setting used and enjoyed as part of the play experience.
An inclusive playspace utilises principles of inclusive design and accessibility, creating spaces people of all ages and abilities can enjoy. We have used the Everyone Can Play Guidelines in developing this playspace design for Reddall Reserve.
Developing the design
Identifying and developing the draft design
The Master Plan identified the inclusive play space, with the vision of creating a new destination in the reserve. During consultation we heard that the community and visitors would like to see a play space that provides a range of graded play opportunities suitable for a range of ages and abilities.
Everyone Can Play Guidelines have been used to shape and further develop the initial concepts designs identified in the Master Plan.
The design of this new iconic play space has inspired by the local story of The Red Lamp, watch this short clip to find out about its importance in Lake Illawarra.
Swipe across to look at the design process

Concept design developed by CRS
About the Master Plan
Reddall Reserve is located on the foreshore of Lake Illawarra and provides a significant regional destination, the Reddall Reserve Master Plan will guide the development of the area over the next twenty years. It aims to balance the needs of different members of the community and enhance the opportunity of the site.
From the Master Plan to Layout
Past Feedback
Share your feedback about the design
9 March, 2021
Cassie says:
Please restart this project
4 February, 2021
Paul says:
new equipment is all for designed for little kids.
my 8yr old daughter has outgrown it all
how about a 'pump track' like Shoalhaven Hea
17 January, 2021
Daniel says:
The red looks horrible, blue or green would look much better in the area. Needs fencing as so large
17 January, 2021
Gemma says:
please consider adding in shade cloths! Not just for this playgound......shade cloths should be standard at all newly built playgrounds now
17 January, 2021
Gemma says:
please consider adding in shade cloths! Not just for this playgound......shade cloths should be standard at all newly built playgrounds now
20 September, 2020
LocalResident13 says:
It’s hard to believe in 2020 that new playgrounds aren’t being built with shade cloths.
19 September, 2020
Robbie says:
This is great for the kids, can we please spend some money on road safety in Osborne Parade, maybe an illuminated "50km/h" sign would help.
17 September, 2020
Danica says:
Need closer bathroom
Fencing on lake path for safety
Water bottle filler
More seating
Change colour
17 September, 2020
Cyrene says:
I really hope you put a fence on the road side as it’s such a big park and will be difficult to watch your children
16 September, 2020
Christine says:
Great to see something that will be good for older children. Most of the local parks seem to cater for younger ones - not for 11 - 14 years
16 September, 2020
Mrs John says:
A little splash pad would be great , like the one at baxland park, Calderwood has one too
10 September, 2020
svpul1 says:
Looks amazing. Anyone commenting about the red colour, watch Red Lamp story: