What is a Development Application (DA)

A DA is a formal application for development that requires consent under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act). It is usually made to your local council and consists of standard application forms, supporting technical reports and plans.

Continually improving

Over the past 20 years Shellharbour City has seen signification development growth. The development assessment process is a key part of the housing supply chain and impacts how efficiently new housing is delivered.

Council recently undertook a complete review of the City Development processes and practices and have since developed a City Development Strategic Plan (the Plan). The Plan provides a framework for continuous improvement and draws on successful practices used by councils that assist in the timely determination of development applications.

Our key focus areas are:

Priority 1 - Implement and maintain efficient development assessment practices

Priority 2 – Build a customer focussed approach

Priority 3 – Ensure that Council and staff have the information and tools they need

We will continually review our processes and practices to improve our service delivery. This short survey will help us to identify areas for improvement and also inform us on what has worked well for our customers.

Share your feedback

If you have recently been through the DA process with Shellharbour City Council please share your feedback.

Address of development application or DA number.

You have 255 characters left.
My development application was for: Required
Rate your experience during the initial application and lodgement stage Required
Very Satisfied
Neither satisfied or unsatisfied
Customer service was helpful during the lodgement of my application
I feel the lodgement process was clear
My questions about the application/lodgement were responded to in a timely manner
I was fully informed about the assessment process and what to expect
Rate your experience during the assessment and determination stage Required
Very Satisfied
Neither satisfied or unsatisfied
I was kept informed during the process
My questions about the assessment/determination were responded to in timely manner
The Notice of Determination (i.e. paperwork) was clear

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.